Skills: Python, Jax, Flax, Pytorch, GPU computing, Git, Numerical methods, Predictive modelling.
Skills: Line management, Risk management, Strategical thinking, Planning, C#, Python, Deep learning, Data warehouse, NoSql, Keras, Pytorch, jupyterhub.
Skills: Python, Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning, NoSql, Tensorflow, Pytorch, Azure, AWS, Cloud computing, Docker.
Skills: C#, JavaScript, Git, Agile development, SCRUM, UI, UX, MongoDB.
Skills: Python, Visual programming, C#, MongoDB.
Skills: Visual Programming, Geometrical modelling, Image processing, Rendering.
Skills: Python, Numerical methods, Physics, Differential Equations, Spectral analysis, Acoustical modelling.
UCL-COMP0089: Reinforcement Learning
UCL-ELEC0136: Data Acquisition and Processing Systems
Machine Learning
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Class: Computer Vision and Image retrieval
Class: Technology of Architecture Studio
Pignatelli, E., Ferret, J., Toni, L., 2023. A Survey of Temporal Credit Assignment in Deep Reinforcement Learning. In submission.
Ntagiantas, K., Pignatelli, E., Peters, N. S., Cantwell, C. D., Chowdhury, R. A., Bharath, A. A., 2022. Estimating Cardiac Tissue Conductivity from Electrograms with Fully Convolutional Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.03012.
Wong N., Meshkinfamfard S., Turbé V., Whitaker M., Moshe M., Bardanzellu A., Dai T., Pignatelli E., Barclay W., Darzi A., Elliott P., Ward H., Tanaka R., Cooke G., McKendry R., Atchison C., Bharath A., 2022. Machine learning to support visual auditing of home-based lateral flow immunoassay self-test results for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Communications Medicine. Nature Research.
Lino, M., Cantwell, C., Fotiadis, S., Pignatelli, E., Bharath, A., 2020. Simulating Surface Wave Dynamics with Convolutional Networks. In NeurIPS workshop on Interpretable Inductive Biases and Physically Structured Learning.
Fotiadis, S., Pignatelli, E., Valencia, M.L., Cantwell, C., Storkey, A., Bharath, A.A., 2020. Comparing recurrent and convolutional neural networks for predicting wave propagation. In ICLR Workshop on Deep Neural Models and Differential Equations.
Di Rosario, S., Pignatelli, E. and Mirra, G., 2018, May. An automated design methodology for acoustic shells in outdoor concerts. In Proceedings of the EuroNoise (Vol. 2018, pp. 2123-2130).
Pignatelli, E., Mirra, G. and Pone, S., 2017, September. InFormer: designing forming actions in post-formed gridshells by means of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms. In Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia (Vol. 2017, No. 17, pp. 1-10). International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS).
Mirra, G., Pignatelli, E. and Pone, S., 2016, September. Computational morphogenesis and construction of an acoustic shell for outdoor chamber music. In Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia (Vol. 2016, No. 17, pp. 1-10). International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS).
Pone, S., Mirra, G., Pignatelli, E., Lancia, D. and Colabella, S., 2016, October. Specialised algorithms for different project stages in a post-formed timber gridshell design. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Structures and Architecture (ICSA) (pp. 259-266).
Di Rosario, S., Parenti, B., Pignatelli, E., Mirra, G., Pone, S., 2015, October. Res, Resonant String Shell, development and design of an acoustic shell for outdoor chamber music concerts. In Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics (Vol. 37, pp. 354-373). 9th International Conference on Auditorium Acoustics.
Pignatelli, E., Colabella, S., Rosario, S.D. and Pone, S., 2015, August. A wooden acoustic shell for open-air chamber music concert. In Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia (Vol. 2015, No. 25, pp. 1-12). International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS).
Innochain Symposium, Expanding Information ModellingCopenhagen, Denmark – November 2018
Presenting: “The BHoM – A framework for mass adoption of Computational Design”, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Architectural Association, EmTec, Invited lectureLondon, UK – June 2018
Presenting: “Generative design with active bending”
Royal College of Art, Invited lectureLondon, UK – February 2018
Presenting: “Algorithmic thinking in design"
IABSE SymposiumBath, UK – April 2017
Buro Happold Representatives Talk: “Generative design of an Acoustic Chamber for Outdoors”
IASS Symposium 2015Amsterdam, Netherlands – August 2015
Presenting : “A wooden acoustic shell for open-air chamber music concert”.
University of Naples, Invited lectureNaples, Italy – March 2015
Presenting: “A strategy for the waterfront of Naples”, Naples, Italy.
Registered Architect in the UK at the ARB, with number: 08860D, from Feb 2017.
White/Yellow CSCS Professionally Qualified Person card, from Feb 2018.
Deep Learning Specialization
Licence 55M8BYZZTGL7, Prof. Andrew Ng, Coursera
Neural Networks and Deep Learning – Andrew Ng, Coursera
Licence WJE8TMPBTAM6, Prof. Andrew Ng, Coursera
Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization
Licence KTQFXY9DLUBS, Prof. Andrew Ng, Coursera
Structuring Machine Learning Projects
Licence XTTFC757KVLH, Prof. Andrew Ng, Coursera
Convolutional Neural Networks
Licence 8X8Z8NQS5QPB, Prof. Andrew Ng, Coursera
Sequence Models
Licence PXD3GPJWBWKF, Prof. Andrew Ng, Coursera