Scaling with the number of timesteps¶
How faster is NAVIX than MiniGrid?
In this notebook, we will answer this question by comparing the two libraries in terms of their performance.
We will look at:
- The raw time it takes to run 100_000 episodes of a simple environment in both libraries.
- How the performance scales with the number of parallel environments
NAVIX is at least $10\times$ faster than MiniGrid. The performance of NAVIX scales constantly with the number of parallel environments up to $10^4$, after which it starts to scale at least linearly, probably due to memory saturation.
Benchmarking Minigrid¶
Let's start with MiniGrid.
import os
os.environ['PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT'] = "hide"
# See
import gymnasium as gym
import timeit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
num_steps_set = (
) # we won't for further because MiniGrid becomes too slow
def benchmark_minigrid(num_steps):
env = gym.make("MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0")
for _ in range(num_steps):
action = env.action_space.sample()
timestep = env.step(action)
return timestep
minigrid_times = {}
for i in num_steps_set:
minigrid_times[i] = timeit.timeit(lambda: benchmark_minigrid(i), number=1)
It scales quite linearly with the number of steps. That's a reasonable time for a single environment that runs on the CPU.
Benchmarking NAVIX¶
Let's see how NAVIX compares to MiniGrid with a single environment.
import functools
import jax
import navix as nx
@functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=1)
def benchmark_navix(seed, num_steps):
env = nx.make('Navix-Empty-8x8-v0') # Create the environment
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed)
timestep = env.reset(key)
actions = jax.random.randint(key, (num_steps,), 0, env.action_space.n)
def body_fun(timestep, action):
timestep = env.step(timestep, action) # Update the environment state
return timestep, ()
return jax.lax.scan(body_fun, timestep, actions, unroll=10)[0]
seed = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
navix_times = {}
for i in num_steps_set:
benchmark_navix_jit = benchmark_navix.lower(seed, i).compile() # AOT compilation
navix_times[i] = timeit.timeit(lambda: benchmark_navix_jit(seed), number=1)
The plot shows that NAVIX is about $10 \times$ faster than MiniGrid for a single environment at $10^6$ steps.
This is not all. NAVIX is designed to scale with the number of parallel environments. Let's see how it performs in the batched case with the next benchmark.